
Moving into the future means accelerating the development of renewable energy. At Enerland we are committed to a sustainable future.


In our commitment to the future, we are committed to the generation of photovoltaic solar energy. On the one hand, we work to connect power to the conventional electrical grid. On the other hand, through our brand Monticell , we work for the development of photovoltaic self-consumption facilities, mainly oriented to the industrial sector.

Photovoltaic energy, unlike other conventional energies, offers great benefits for the environment. Solar radiation, in addition to being an unlimited resource, avoids different routes of pollution such as atmospheric or acoustic.

We invite you to know what are the benefits of this type of renewable energy. Some of its advantages:

  • Profitable. The investment in photovoltaic solar energy production offers a positive economic return thanks to its rapid amortization.
  • Sustainable. Its production does not require the expulsion of substances harmful to the atmosphere. In this way, you avoid contributing to the so-called greenhouse effect.
  • Silent. It does not generate noise pollution. This allows respecting the environment and the fauna that inhabits it.
  • Environment. Studies carried out by the AFNIE in Germany show its positive effect on the environment. Some benefits of the facilities are that they favor the reversal of soil erosion and respect the habitats of animals.
  • High durability. Photovoltaic solar energy is proposed as one of the energies of the future. The technological materials used for its production have a useful life of up to 40 years.
  • High reach . It allows generating electricity in remote places that, due to their location, do not depend on electrical networks.

Renewable energies are currently at their best. After the pandemic, the demand and production of them has increased considerably. In addition, the awareness of both the population and the institutions, facilitate an optimal energy transition.

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