Last week, Enerland Group attended the first United Nations Assembly in Spain regarding the Spanish UN Global Compact, that took place in Madrid.
Last Wednesday,14th of June, Enerland Group and Monticell attended the First United Nations Assembly regarding the UN Global Compact in Spain. The event took place in Madrid, and it gathered more than five hundred partners for its most important meeting of the year. Ángel Hidalgo Armayones, from the sales division, and Ana Valdizán Zarazaga, from the marketing team, attended the assembly on behalf of the company to learn more about the next objectives for 2024. In addition, Mago More gave an inspirational lecture about the importance of being sustainability “MOVERS” (referring to being proactive), and how to overcome any excuses that hold us from acting.
Partners of the UN Global Compact in Spain
Enerland Group, multinational company in renewable energies, consolidated its commitment to UN Global Compact, the biggest corporative sustainability iniciative in the world, this time as partners. From the start, Enerland has been committed to the universally accepted Ten Principles in terms of human rights, employment standards, environment, and anti-corruption strategy, joining 21.000+ institutions from more than 160 countries all around the world. Specifically in Spain, the company adds its value to the rest of the 2.100 businesses that conform the most important Local Net in the planet, both in terms of number of associates and Sustainability or Progress Reports. Our management department declares: “In Enerland Group, we are deeply aware of the importance of not just the environment, but also our society. For this reason, our company is fully dedicated to taking part of this change to a future based on renewable energy use, circular economy, and social respect. We consider that this partnership with the UN Global Compact is going to help us drive our corporative responsability actions”.
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