San Martín Photovoltaic Park continues it development: begins the Pull Out Test.
A few days ago, José Alfambra, area manager, and Benjamin Reynal, project manager of the San Martin Photovoltaic Park, traveled to offices in Argentina. The objective of the trip: evaluate the San Martín photovoltaic installation advances. During his visit, the first Pull Out Tests took place on the ground of the solar plant located in Mendoza, Argentina. Through the results from these tests, we make an evaluation of the behavior of the profiles used in the structures based on the characteristics of the different types of the ground.
“The Pull Out Test is an essential phase of detailed engineering. Thanks to these tests it is possible to define with greater accuracy the design of the profiles. Moreover, they facilitate the definition of the installation procedure of these in the photovoltaic plant. In this way, construction times are optimized, always ensuring the best performance of the installation and the least impact on the ground.”- Susana Mazo, civil manager in the Enerland Group Engineering department.
Our activity in Argentina
This solar plant located in Mendoza, Argentina, was awarded through the Renovar Mini/Round 3 Program and will be our first solar execution in South America. San Martin, with 13.6 MWp of power, once completed, will represent our fifteenth renewable energy generation plant on the continent. In November of last year, the Ministry of Energy authorized the entry of the energy produced by the plant into the electricity market. In 2019, we were already informed that our project met all the requested requirements. A few years later, it was the authorization to use the network, another great milestone for the development of the park. Thanks to him, it continued to advance until today, when the first field tests have taken place.
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